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Cambridge KEY & PET Exam English

0.00 SR
0.0 SAR 0.00 SR
0.00 SR

2 UNITS, 12 hours (8 main course, 4 revision) 
ENTRY LEVEL : Elementary (A1+) / Pre-Intermediate (A2+)

This is a free sample demo of the Cambridge Exams KEY and PET courses. Your English should be Elementary (A1+) for the KEY sample unit and Pre-Intermediate (A2+) for the PET sample unit. However, feel free to just take a look and decide which is best for you, KEY or PET. 

This demo includes a course overview as well as two complete sample units (these are end units so more difficult than others). It features authentic listenings, readings, KEY and PET topic-based vocabulary, grammar, writing, reading and speaking via prompted audio recordings. 

All key language is reinforced through memory training after each unit. So what you learn you easily master - learning made easy!